
Esther: A Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Esther has been preserved in ancient texts that diverge greatly from each other. As a result, Jews and Protestants usually read a version which is shorter than that of most Catholic or Orthodox Bibles. In this volume, Levenson capably guides readers through both versions, demonstrating their coherence and their differences.

normalization and empowerment of diaspora Jewry, if he hopes for a messianic advent or an apocalyptic overthrow of Gentile power and a triumphant restoration of the elect to their promised land and to divine service in the Temple, he gives no hint of it. In this light, the figure of Mordecai reflects not only the political wisdom of a successful courtier loyal to his people, and the figure of Esther not only the charm and eloquence of a successful consort who courageously intervenes in defense of
Pages 16–17